HomeFréttirSunlive körfuknattleiksbúðirnar í Portúgal

Sunlive körfuknattleiksbúðirnar í Portúgal


Fyrstu alþjóðlegu Sunlive körfuknattleiksbúðirnar verða haldnar 6.-10. ágúst í Aviero í Portúgal. Búðirnar eru skipulagðar af körfuknattleikssamböndum Portúgals og Aveiro og eru fyrir 10-19 ára leikmenn. Yfirþjálfari búðanna er Josh Merrington, en hann er aðstoðarþjálfari breska U20 ára landsliðsins.


Nú þegar hafa leikmenn frá Englandi, Skotlandi, Wales, Portúgal og Íslandi skráð sig til leiks. Þjálfarar í búðunum koma frá mörgum ríkjum Evrópu, en einn þeirra er nýráðinn þjálfari Selfoss Körfu, Chris Caird, sem mun fara með yngri leikmenn frá Íslandi í búðirnar, en samkvæmt skráningu hjá honum hafa á annan tug yngri leikmanna frá Íslandi nú þegar skráð sig til leiks.


Samkvæmt Chris er þarna um einstakt tækifæri að ræða fyrir íslenska leikmenn að upplifa körfuboltamenningu ólíka þeirri er er hér á landi, sem og mun þarna verða góð samkeppni frá leikmönnum annarra landa.


Bæklingur búðanna



Allar frekari upplýsingar eru að finna í fréttatilkynningu búðanna hér fyrir neðan:


The first annual Sunlive International Basketball Camp is set to take place from the 6-10thAugust 2018 in Aveiro, Portugal for boys and girls aged 10-19. The camp will be organised by Sunlive Basketball Academy in association with the Portuguese Basketball Federation (FPB) and the Aveiro Basketball Association (ABA).


Josh Merrington, Head Coach of Sunlive Basketball Academy and assistant coach of the Great Britain U20 National Team will direct the camp. Working closely with Josh as co-director will be Cameron Seeley, the Performance Director for Basketball Wales who has over 25 years of organising some of Europe’s biggest summer basketball camps.


The Camp will bring together players and coaches from across Europe, with participants from England, Scotland, Wales, Iceland, Portugal and Italy already confirmed. With the focus of the camp being individual development of each player, a big focus will be placed on players improving their skills and decision-making. Camp coaches will include Rui Costa, 3x U16 National Champion in Portugal, Sergio Silva, Head Coach GICA (Portugal), Chris Caird, Head Coach Selfoss and Rikki Broadmore, Coach Barking Abbey (England).


Players will be accommodated and fed in Estalagem de Sangalhos, a 4 star hotel that specialises in hosting sports teams for training camps and events. In addition to the basketball training, campers will get to experience cultural activities in Portugal including a trip to the beach.


Camp Director Josh Merrington said, “I am really excited to organize the first annual Sunlive International Basketball Camp. Having access to all the infrastructures that we do in such an excellent location will allow us to organise a professional camp where we hope to give all the participants an unforgettable experience. Having someone of Cameron’s experience involved has allowed us to put together a great schedule for the camp. Combined with some excellent coaches that we have we hope the camp will be a great learning experience for all players who attend.”


Chris Caird the newly appointed Head Coach of Selfoss will be accompanying players to the camp from his former club Tindastoll and also some players from the South of Iceland. Sunlive Basketball can also help to organise holidays and tourism options for any parents who wish to accompany their children to the camp.


For more information, to register or download the camp brochure you can visit or contact Josh Merrington at [email protected]. There are limited spaces remaining, so please register your interest now.

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